
Knights of the frozen throne pirate warrior
Knights of the frozen throne pirate warrior

knights of the frozen throne pirate warrior

Overall, Mountainfire Armor is an interesting card that can at best give Warrior both offensive and defensive capabilities. It might be better than Vicious Fledgling (a card that is not always used in the archetype anyway) as Warrior is generally unable to play the Fledgling to a position where it can snowball out of control. It can have easier time in Control Warrior, where it does not have to compete with Frothing Berserker. I don’t see Mountainfire Armor replacing either Frothing Berserker or Ravaging Ghoul in Tempo Warrior – unless maybe Blood Razor takes over the area-of-effect damage duty from Ravaging Ghoul. What about Tempo Warrior? The three-mana slot is contested, there are multiple good cards there: Thanks to Direhorn Hatchlings and the resulting Direhorn Matriarchs, the game is not over even if the board is answered, so this could be one viable use for the card. What if we take it all the way and put it in N’Zoth Control Warrior? When brought back by N’Zoth, the large board including Mountainfire Armors is threatening enough to require an answer – and answering two of these gives the Warrior 12 Armor. The trade could be forced even further by running Sunfury Protector or Defender of Argus to give Mountainfire Armor Taunt, but fitting those cards in the deck can be challenging. A sort-of weird passive-aggressive defensive card, perhaps even a replacement for Shield Block. It can also give Control Warrior the means to apply some pressure in matchups where waiting is not an option. Taunt Warrior does not have room for it, it cannot reliably replace Armorsmiths.Ĭontrol Warrior? Possibly, they are definitely interested in six Armor, and the aggressive 4/3 statline can force the opponent to trade into the Mountainfire Armor with a smaller minion in order to protect their bigger minions.

knights of the frozen throne pirate warrior

Pirate Warrior is not interested, they do not care about their life total or Armor. Where can Mountainfire Armor see play though? (Not really, Ticking Abomination is still bad, you’d need something much more important than Mountainfire Armor’s Deathrattle to make it good.) This is the first time we have seen a Deathrattle effect that does not always trigger when a minion dies, and maybe some kind of justification for Ticking Abomination’s Deathrattle that kills off your own minions. It is a three-mana 4/3 minion with a Deathrattle that, if it dies on your opponent’s turn, gives you six Armor. Mountainfire Armor is a rare Warrior class card from Knights of the Frozen Throne expansion. In this post, I take an in-depth look at Mountainfire Armor.

knights of the frozen throne pirate warrior

Hearthstone’s Knights of the Frozen Throne expansion card reveal season has started! We can expect to see multiple cards revealed on daily basis for the next couple of weeks leading up to the expansion itself.

Knights of the frozen throne pirate warrior